Press Release
June 1, 2012
Endres Manufacturing Company Foundation - May 2012 Grant Announcement:
Endres Manufacturing Company Foundation is pleased to announce that it has awarded a total of $25,300 to 16 different non-profit organizations. Among the May grant requests awarded are:
· Cameron’s Gift, Inc. - $300 to provide quilts to the families and small infant pouches for premature babies born between 16-20 weeks.
· Dane County Library Service - $1000 to create four new thematic programming kits for activity directors to use with residents of senior housing complexes, nursing homes, and senior centers across Dane County.
· RSVP of Dane County, Inc. - $1000 for materials, yarn, and sewing supplies for volunteers to make handmade items for Dane County residents in needs. The money will also be used to sponsor their 40th anniversary volunteer appreciation event.
· Waunakee Creative Economy Initiative - $1000 for the Imagination Celebration at Waunakee High School which will be held on June 21st.
· Women’s Care Center - $1000 for education videos, literature and models for health and parenting instruction for pregnant mothers.
· Rape Crisis Center - $2000 to support ten presentations reaching about 250 school aged youth designed to reduce the risk of sexual victimization and promote healthy development.
· Children’s Theater of Madison - $1500 for the Young Playwrights Program, which is an arts-in-schools program that gives voice to teenagers through playwriting.
· Lussier Community Education Center - $1500 to support the LEAP 2 College program. This is a college readiness program that provides academic enrichment resources to “at risk” students.
· Waunakee Neighborhood Connection - $2000 to help build sturdy shelves for storage and organization of items and supplies.
· Middleton Outreach Ministry - $2000 to support the Housing Assistance Program which provides eviction intervention funds, security deposits, and utility assistance.
· Dean Foundation BSP Free Clinic - $2500 to provide specialty service to low income clients at the only free specialty clinic in Southern Wisconsin.
· St. John the Baptist School - $2500 to fund a SMART Lightraise system to provide Interactive White Boards, which enhance curriculum delivery and positively affect student achievement.
· Let There Be Lights - $3000 which will go to purchasing and installing lights on the Waunakee High School varsity baseball field.
· Celebrate Children’s Foundation - $3000 to provide professional development opportunities for Waunakee, Sauk City/Prairie du Sac and DeForest child care providers participating in YoungStar, Wisconsin’s new and innovative quality rating and improvement system.
· 4-H programs - $500 to support their program this year.
· Boy Scout Troop 46 - $500 to fund their Scout Eagle Project.
A sincere “THANK YOU” goes out from the Endres Foundation for the diligent work done by area non-profits to make our world a better place. If you know of any non-profit organizations who you think the Foundation could help, please let us know and pass on the word to those non-profits. We are here to help better the community! The Foundation reviews and awards grants twice per year, in May and in November. Grant applications can be found at by following the foundation link. Anyone can contribute to the foundation and 100% of the funds are given back to the community.